You are and don’t even know it!

A woman in one of our past programs (let’s call her Nancy) was struggling in her sales job.  In sales positions with previous companies she was always a top producers.  She was confident in her skills and fearless in her efforts.  Now, her confidence was down, her numbers were low and her bosses were complaining constantly about her performance.

She couldn’t understand it.  She worked harder, pushed herself more and didn’t understand why things weren’t working as they had in the past.  On top of that, the badgering from her bosses was really getting to her and she was spiraling down fast.

It just so happened (and I don’t believe in coincidences), when things seemed to be at their worst was the very time we were covering the topic of Values.  With the processes we use to help someone identify what their true values are and some questioning around the culture and work environment of her job she had an ‘aha’ moment.

Her bosses were asking and requiring her to do things which would violate one or more of her values. She was struggling with doing what they were asking but couldn’t figure out why.  Once she saw it, it became so clear to her and she knew what she had to do.  She left that job, found another and immediately became their top producer.

Our Values influence, govern and guide our lives whether we are conscious and intentional about it or not.

  1. Have you ever been in a situation in which you felt uncomfortable doing what was asked and didn’t really know why?
  2. Have you ever done or said something and kicked yourself later for doing or saying it?
  3. Have you ever procrastinated making a decision because something just didn’t seem right and you couldn’t put your finger on it?

These are times when we are probably wrestling with a Values question and are not consciously aware that is what’s happening.  In that same class I asked if anyone had ever quit a job because of a Value.  That question caused one our class members to clarify some decisions in her life she had always been wondering about.  She was making Value-based decisions and didn’t even know she was doing it.

Our lives will be easier, more peaceful, less stressful, more fulfilling with less procrastination and consternation when we consciously identify our Values and intentional live by them.

To Your Intentional Success!

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