Recovery Help & Intentional Achievements

As many know, we have been teaching Intentional Life training programs in the Maricopa County jails for many years now.  It has been some of the most rewarding and inspirational work I have ever done.  I have files full of amazing testimonials written by the guys who have been in the programs.  Many of the stories we tell here will be from those letters.

This work in the jails has led us to expand our vision of the impact we can have.  These experiences, the many conversations with industry specialists and some study has opened me up greatly to possibilities I would have never looked at before.

Not really knowing much about this segment of the population, there have been many rude awakenings for me. 80% or more of the folks in jail are there for drug-related crimes.   The recidivism rate is over 80% in many jurisdictions   Billions of dollars are spent every year to house and take care of these prisoners, help them re-enter and transition back into society, and to stem the tide of increased drug use in this country.  It is overwhelming to think about, if and when you really think about it.

Some of the efforts in these industries are working, and many more are not.  I have been increasingly open to new possibilities and looking for more ways we can make a difference.  As a good friend of mine, Mark, says, I have been following intersections to see where they lead.  One has led us to the following announcement.

We are very proud, honored and excited to announce Intentional Achievements & Intentional Living Alliance have been chosen by Recovery Help to be their official Life Skills Training and Coaching partner.

It has been great to meet Gary, Recovery Help’s CEO, and work with him as he incorporates Intentional Life skills into their program.  The ability for us to work with an existing program with their own unique approach of providing three levels of care in the privacy of a member’s home is very exciting.  We get to make a difference for many people across the country while setting some new precedents of how the combination of traditional and non-traditional methodologies can produce successes not seen before.

Check out their website and stay tuned for updates.  We start group and individual training and coaching sessions next week.

To Your Intentional Success!