
Our 9-key Intentional Living System™ is the most comprehensive, yet easy to follow, system to affect significant, positive behavior change in a person’s life.  Even though the training industry is vast and there are many who are teaching concepts similar to ours, there is no one who has put all of these principles together into a systematic, step-by-step program.  We not only teaches the concepts, but more importantly, through the power of self-discovery, each participant internalizes the principles of Intentional Living.  And we don’t stop there.  We train them to incorporate specific, habit-forming processes into their lives which produce new, enduring life changing results.


One of our major competitive advantages is the 9-Key Intentional Living System™.  It is complete, and yet easy to follow and use.


A system is a group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent elements forming a complex whole—an organized set of interrelated ideas or principles.  What this means is that each of the Nine Key Principles for Intentional Living™ is interrelated and interdependent on each other.  Together they form the whole.  You probably have heard of or studied one or more of these concepts or principles at one time or another.  What we have found in our experience is that separately each principle or process is good and important. Each may even help answer questions or solve problems for you along the way.  But, taken separately, they don’t lead to intentional and ultimate success.  Each is an important piece to a jigsaw puzzle.  Separately they are nice and necessary, but incomplete.  Together they produce the beautiful picture on the box, the ultimate goal, the finished product—your Intentional Life.


Others have made their success on one or two of the key elements of our model. For example, some will spend all of their time talking about and teaching how changing your attitude will change your life, or if you have a vision for your life you will be more successful because you have a picture of where you want to be, etc.  Our system incorporates all of them together into one comprehensive, user-friendly system.   People learn not just how to think, but what to do and how to do it—in all areas of their lives and business functions.


Living The Intentional Life™ means that on a day-by-day basis every choice and decision we make is made deliberately, thought-fully, with a purpose and on purpose.  It means that we think about and decide what we are going to do, why we are going to do it and how we are going to do it before we do it.  It also means that we have considered the implications of each choice or decision and anticipated what would be the reaction to it, why it would come and how we are going to deal with it if it does come.


On a grander scale, living an intentional life means that we truly understand our Purpose in life and are living it to the fullest every day.  It means we are doing what we love and loving what we do.  It means that our lives are balanced and congruent in all nine areas—primary relationship, career, family, finance, social, community, spiritual, health and personal.  It means that we have taken the time to discover and analyze the Values we hold and the core values that govern and guide our decisions.  That we use these core values as touchstones to determine the right choice or decision for us and have a peace and conviction about the choice we have made.


How many of us can truly say that we can see a Vision (a clear and well-defined picture) of the life we will lead in 5-10 years?  How many of us, even if we do have that vision in our minds, have an exact Plan laid out on how we are going to get there?  A person living The Intentional Life™ can say a definite “yes, I do” to these questions.  This person also knows that her life has to be Structured in such a way to make sure these plans can be accomplished. She also realizes that she can’t do it alone and has the right People in her life to help, guide, motivate, mentor, coach and give support in accomplishing it.


The Intentional Life™ requires Leadership.  The ability to take charge of our life and inspire ourselves and others to help us stay true to that purpose and vision and carry out the plans we have made.   Since we can’t and shouldn’t take this journey alone, an intentional life requires us to develop and constantly hone our people and communication skills.   Whether people are in our lives for a reason, season or a lifetime, our human relations skills will help us develop and maintain the best possible relationships throughout this intentional journey.  And, since communications is the vehicle through which all of this takes place, our dedication toward improving our sender and receiver skills never ends.


An intentional life will be a major lifestyle change for some and a more subtle one for others.  No matter the degree, there will be challenges, distractions, setbacks and emotional hurdles to overcome.  The person living this intentional life has the Emotional Intelligence to handle it all.  A highly emotionally intelligent individual has taken the time and energy to discover their true nature with all its strengths and weaknesses and has developed a level of personal mastery and the strength to handle what life throws at us.


Finally, The Intentional Life™ calls for Courage and Fortitude.  We don’t hear these words spoken of very often these days.  When courage is identified in someone it is usually referring to a person who has overcome great adversity either in their personal life or on the battlefield.  Since there are few that truly identify with these examples most of us find ourselves believing that we are not courageous.  I beg to differ.  If we change the definition a little, the population of the courageous increases.  Courage is the strength to start on a perceived difficult journey.  Courage is taking action in the midst of fear and hesitation.  To decide and make a lifestyle change and live your life intentionally takes great courage.  They say the first step is always the hardest and it takes courage to take it.  It also takes fortitude.  If courage is the strength to start, fortitude is the strength to continue and finish.  Many people give up when the pressure is on, when life starts throwing curve balls at you and things get difficult.  Because making the switch to an intentional life is outside many of our comfort zones, we will find ourselves looking back to the familiar to ease the stress and anxiety that will no doubt come on this journey toward intention.  Fortitude gets us through it and keeps us on track.


What we have outlined here is the system by which you can live intentionally.  When systematically followed, the processes we teach for each of the 9-Keys in the Intentional Living System™ summarized here will guarantee a life with more meaning, peace, balance, confidence, control (in the good sense), intention and success.  You will enjoy more and better opportunities, direction, choices and relationships.  You will also experience less stress, confusion, feeling stuck or lost, fire-fighting, reaction and fear.


An intentional life is a more rewarding, fulfilling and fun one.  Everything you do has more significance and joy.  Life is worth living.  It is challenging and exciting.  You attain more because you reach higher with the confidence to know you can achieve anything your mind can conceive.  You know why you are here, you are enjoying the journey toward the destination of fulfilling your purpose and you are inspiring others along the way to experience for themselves what an intentional life has to offer.