About two years ago my friend, Kyle Morgan, asked me to help him design a program which would educate and train people on the importance of, and the how-to’s for, discovering, defining & developing their passions, purpose and principles.  It started as a way to build a foundation for establishing Collaborative Communities, which is one of his passions.  It was certainly very much in alignment with Intentional Achievements’ philosophies and most of these concepts were already in our material as significant components for living an Intentional Life.  So it was a no-brainer.

PPP_circle3Through the synergy and power of three–Kyle, our good friend Mark Miller, and me–came the PPP Workshop.  We have had great feedback and results from those who have completed the program.  For us, the workshop was only the beginning of us exploring the depth and power of PPP.  Yes, it is the foundation for building Collaborative Communities, because it is the basis for establishing a peaceful, purposeful and powerful [personal] life.

Kyle wrote me the other day and said he has been asked, “why would someone want to know their PPP?”  In the middle of the answer he wrote, he said  this; “When you discover that you have specific gifts to give, the service in your life has meaning.  When you develop an attitude to live each day with and on purpose, you intentionally infuse that meaning into everything you do. You make every moment and every activity meaningful. Consequently, you are able to live with purpose, on purpose, no matter what you do, no matter where you go…  Then you can say… “I live each day with and on purpose, I am a peaceful, powerful, purposeful person”.”

In response to his request for feedback, I wrote the following, which he suggested I share. (Click on the visual to see how it all fits together)

“The intersection of passion and principles is meaning.  When a person identifies/rediscovers their passions and principles, and lives their life by them, it opens them up to a life with more meaning.  Most of us today have lives devoid of meaning.  We go day to day just surviving and existing.  But, still, underneath, the human condition and our natural instinct is to ask why and look for significance.  We are looking for more and don’t know even where to look let alone how to find it.  PPP is the where, the way and the answer.

The intersection of purpose and principles is intentional.  Intentional is control, not power control, but life direction, choice, decision control.  How many of us think we don’t have as much control in or over our life as we should or want to?  How many of us are trying all kinds of things to gain this kind of control back?  What would having total control and choice in and over your life do for you; what difference would it make?  Huge.  The only way to do it is through purposeful and principle-centered decision-making and living–by being intentional.  We decide where, how and why our life goes where it does.  We choose who and what we want to be.  And we can’t do that without being intentional.

The intersection of passion and purpose is gifts.  It is through our gifts that our purpose and passions are known, lived, experienced, demonstrated and fulfilled.  Without knowing our gifts we will never fully know what and who we are capable of being or becoming.  Our gifts are the vehicles used to help others find their passions and purpose.  Our gifts are the vehicle through which the fullness of our passions and purpose are realized.

When we are intentional, live a life with meaning as a result of experiencing and giving away our gifts and live every day with and on purpose, we become peaceful, purposeful and powerful people–and help others become the same in their own lives and in the ones they love.”

I hope this answers, just a little, the question of why should we know our PPP.  Thanks, Kyle.

To Your Intentional Success!